Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Wonders Of Laser Eye Surgery

The Wonders Of Laser Eye Surgery: How It Works

Laser technology has been one of technology's greatest products that has positively improved the way things work. It has a number of applications and benefits, including in the field of medicine. An excellent example is laser eye surgery.

Laser eye surgery has given hope to people with eye problems, be it with vision or aesthetic aspects. For most people thinking of undergoing it, the first question is of course how laser eye surgery works.

Common problems concerning poor vision can be caused by distortions on the surface of the eye and its components. Light rays may be poorly reflected resulting in poor vision. This accounts for common vision problems such as astigmatism, near sightedness and far sightedness.

Some people also find wearing eyeglasses cumbersome while some even become self-conscious of it. Some wear contact lenses but still wish to go for a more permanent solution so they wouldn't have to be so depended on it.

Laser eye surgery can be an option for this problem by helping correct the distortions and improve passing of light rays. Basically, what it does is to use laser beams to change the shape of the cornea to one that is most effective for vision.

So how does laser eye surgery work?
First, the doctor has to have a clear picture of the distortion. He uses an aberrometer. This also works by using a low- energy laser beam that is directed to the cornea, reflected and produces a 3D image on the aberrometer's screen.

The most common form of laser eye surgery is LASIK or laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis. This laser eye surgery works by making a small cut to excise the top layer of the cornea during the surgery. It is mostly recommended because of faster recovery period.

Another option is photorefractive keratectomy or PRK. In this procedure, a portion of the cornea is scraped away and then laser is used to reshape the tissue underneath it. This was developed earlier than LASIK with LASIK being usually recommended because of its very minimal discomforts.

A fusion of the wonders of LASIK and PRK is Epi-LASIK or Epithelial Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis. This laser eye surgery works by making a thin flap of corneal epithelium using a microkeratome- like instrument. The underlying corneal layer is separated from the epithelium without cutting. It does not use alcohol solution to remove the epithelial layer. After this, the underlying cornea can be re-shaped to correct the distortion by using laser beam. Afterwards, the epithelium is restored to its normal position.

As was mentioned above, this laser eye surgery technique combines the benefits of the other techniques with less complications. After the procedure, the patient will be required to wear a thin, soft contact lens that will act like a bandage until the area heals completely. Healing and recovery is also faster and may only take around 3 to 4 days.

Laser eye surgery also works for more serious eye and vision problems such as diabetic retinopathy. Edema, swelling and leaking of capillaries in the eye that may accompany this complication of diabetes can make a person a potential candidate for laser eye surgery. This is to prevent more serious and permanent damage to the eyes that can lead to blindness.

Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) is the more serious and later stage of this disease where laser eye surgery is a more important choice of treatment. The technique for this is known as laser photocoagulation of the peripheral retina. The entire procedure may be completed in as short as 30-45 minutes per session. It may take around 3-4 sessions to fully benefit from this procedure with it being performed at the doctor's office.

Laser eye surgery also works for age-related vision problems. One such technique is Photodynamic Therapy. This makes use of a light activated dye called Visudyne. This is introduced to the patient's arm via injection. It enters the circulation and into the area beneath the retina where new blood vessels are formed. A non-thermal red laser is then used to activate Visudyne molecules. The activated molecules begin sealing holes and destroying unhealthy blood vessels.

Laser eye surgery can work miracles and provide new hope for people with vision problems of varying degrees. The key is to diagnose the condition and carefully evaluate which laser eye surgery technique will work best for the patient and you physician will do this for you.

By: nathfiset

For more information now go to: www.perfectlasikvision.com/How-Does-Laser-Eye-Surgery-Work.html www.myalpha-power.com. or www.aperfectharmony.com

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