Saturday, April 7, 2007

Laser Cosmetic Eye Surgery

Laser Cosmetic Eye Surgery For The Windows To Your Soul

Certain factors such as stress, exposure to sunlight, cigarette smoke and pollution and age can all affect the way our eyes and the area around it look. Heavy eye bags, wrinkles and loose or droopy skin around the eyes can be unsightly and may make you look older than your real age. For these, the application of creams around the area may not simply work. Blurred vision due to conditions like astigmatism, near sightedness and far sightedness can be a burden to a lot of people too. Wearing eyeglasses or being highly dependent on contact lenses can be cumbersome. If you are serious about changing these problems, you might want to try laser cosmetic eye surgery.

A common problem is drooping eyelids. An option for this is blepharoplasty or eyelift. This is one of the most common cosmetic procedures done on the face. It can be done on the upper or lower eyelid, depending on where the patient needs it. Most commonly addressed problems involving the upper eyelids are droopiness and puffiness.

For the lower eyelids, the common problem is the presence of fat deposits. These make the eye look tired and in some cases, people even find it difficult to apply make up on these problem areas. They can also have an effect on vision since drooping eyelids can block the eyes. It can also lead to further development of wrinkles around the eyes.

These procedures however, do not correct crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes. These may require separate surgical procedures.

Laser eye surgery is also not just performed for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons. They also work in correcting eye problems involving vision.

Common vision problems arise from distortions on the surface of the cornea affecting the way light is refracted. To correct this, laser eye surgery is formed, usually in the form of LASIK, which stands for laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis. Another procedure is photorefractive keratectomy or PRK. These procedures involve lifting the cornea and using laser beams to re-shape the tissue underneath it. These procedures are quick and patients have reported only minor stinging during the procedure. After this, the patient will have to wear soft and thin contact lenses for protection.

The recovery period is also shorter and the person can go back to his normal activities in a matter of days.

Laser cosmetic eye surgery is considerably low risk and can be done in a very short time, sometimes even at the doctor's office only. However, the eyes are such sensitive parts of the body so better ask the doctor for possible side effects and after effects once the procedure is done.

Some common complaints after laser cosmetic eye surgery procedures are increased sensitivity to light and some pain. These normally clear up in a matter of days and should they persist for more than 4 days, the doctor must be consulted.

Medication is often given to counter potential infections. These medications can be taken orally or in the form of eye drops. Scarring is also a potential problem and should be addressed immediately since it can also lead to loss of vision.

People of ages 20 to 50 are good candidates for laser cosmetic eye surgery. Younger people have eyes that are still undergoing development and people older than 50 may have developed more serious eye diseases.

Do not hesitate to ask your physician how many times he has performed the same procedure, and ask everything from benefits to potential risks. Remember that what is at stake here is not just how good your eyes look but also how well they will function later on. Laser cosmetic eye surgery has a lot to offer and to better understand it means healthier and more beautiful eyes.

By: nathfiset

For more information now go to: or

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