Sunday, April 22, 2007

What Happens During Surgery?

Los Angeles Laser Eye Surgery: What Happens During Surgery?

Throughout Los Angeles, laser eye surgery has become a procedure that is quite sought after. There are countless companies offering these services and it seems like a very simple procedure. As you will learn, it is a straightforward procedure but there are some aspects that are quite worrisome to those that are unaware of what is happening. With a good Los Angeles laser eye surgery professional, though, the process will be quite and without flaw.

You should know what will happen during the surgery. Here’s a quick look at what happens.

• Your doctor will position you in a reclining chair with a ring over your eye. This ring will hold back your eye lid so that the doctor can clearly enter the eye. He will clean the eye and surrounding area and will administer a drop of medication into it to numb the eye.
• Then, he will use a high pressured tool that will create suction on the cornea. He’ll use a cutting instrument to remove the correct layer of cornea from your eye in a flap fashion so that it does not become completely removable.
• The eye surgeon will then use a light that your eyes will stare into. The laser will be a different light that will work over the course of the eye to remove the correct tissue. Most don’t feel anything at this point.
• The cornea is then put into place. No stitches are used but an eye shield will be put in place to hold the eye in place to allow time to heal.

The whole procedure will likely last about 30 minutes. Throughout Los Angeles, laser eye surgery procedures do differ somewhat, but you can count on finding results in most of these instances. Your doctor should walk you through the procedure thoroughly beforehand.

By:Frank Montes -

For more observations about”> laser eye surgery from Frank, click the link.

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