Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lasik Eye Surgery

The Debate About Chicago Lasik Eye Surgery

Do you know which is safer, LASIK or contacts? Laser-Assisted Situ Keratomileusis, also know as Lasik surgery is a procedure in which the eyes cornea is physically re-sculpted to improve a patients vision. Contacts lenses are artificial lenses placed daily in the eye to improve vision. Contacts are just like eyeglasses minus the frames. Contact lenses are artificial lenses that are placed in your eyes daily to improve your vision. Chicago Lasik eye surgery actually reshapes the eye which will result in a type of permanent contact lens.

Why are Lasik surgery Chicago doctors claiming victory over contacts? Turns out a local teenager, taking a swim in the lake on a hot summer day is what started the debate between the LASIK surgery Chicago doctors and those doctors who prefer patients to wear contact lenses. It appears the teenagers contact lenses were exposed to the perfect environment for on-celled organisms in the lake. The lenses turned out to be the perfect environment for the lake parasite to grow and prosper. The mother reportedthat the teen was hospitalized with a massive eye infection and that the pain was incredible.

Its always been understood that a cure thats placed on the outside of the body is safer than one that requires opening up the body. By the same reasoning, a contact lens placed on eyes surface was long thought to be safer than cutting the cornea with a laser. The Lasik surgery Chicago doctors hope that this way of thinking is no longer true. Pro LASIK surgery Chicago doctors summarized their remarks in the following.

It is estimated that nearly 34 million Americans wear portable contact lenses The economy associated with that large group includes lenses, doctor visits, wetting solutions, lens cleaners, and much more. On the other hand, estimates for LASIK surgery Chicago patients (and the rest of the country) say about a million Americans have had laser vision correction. This procedure can cost from $1000 to $5000 depending on the location and circumstances.

One debate between Lasik Surgery Chicago doctors and their associates is the rate of vision loss in the long-term contact wearers which is about 1 per 2000 patients. The rate of vision loss in Lasik patients is 1 per 10,000 patients. This statistic is what has the Chicago Lasik doctors extremely excited. The incidence of serious problems appears to be about 5 times higher for contact wearers than for laser vision correction patients.

LASIK surgery is also a popular procedure in the military, with more than 16,000 operations performed. The military study's authors reported that only infrequent complications appeared. Another study found only 103 cases of LASIK based infection over a dozen years has been another persuasive argument of the LASIK surgery Chicago community.

If you are Chicago patient who currently wears contact lenses, then the news is that you are one of the best potential candidates for LASIK surgery. The risks for infections and complications are reduced in laser vision correction. A separate study has revealed that the effects of laser eye surgery will last for at least 10 years. When considering LASIK surgery Chicago patients and everyone else can breathe a little easier.

By: Kenneth L Myers

Kenneth L Myers has authored several articles concerning LASIK surgery. Visit our site for more LASIK surgery FAQ's

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